XLOOKUP with Logical Criteria

To use XLOOKUP with logical criteria, you can create a separate column with the logical values and then use XLOOKUP to search for the matching value in that column.

    A       B          C
Name      Salary   Highest_Salary
John       5000       FALSE
Jane       6000       FALSE
Jim        7000       FALSE
Jack       8000       FALSE
Jill       9000       TRUE
Jerry      10000      TRUE

  1. Create a logical column: To use logical criteria with XLOOKUP, you need to first create a separate column in your data range that contains the logical values (i.e. TRUE or FALSE). For example, you can create a column that checks if the values in a certain column are greater than a certain value.
  2. Use XLOOKUP to search for the matching value: Once you have created the logical column, you can then use XLOOKUP to search for the value in the desired column (e.g. names) that corresponds to the logical value you are searching for. The first argument in the XLOOKUP formula should be the logical value you are searching for (e.g. TRUE), the second argument should be the range that contains the logical values (i.e. the logical column), and the third argument should be the range that contains the values you want to return (e.g. names).

In this example, the XLOOKUP formula returns the value Jerry, which is the name of the person with the highest salary. The formula is searching for the logical value TRUE in column C, which corresponds to the highest salary in column B.

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