Use XLOOKUP with multiple sheets

To use XLOOKUP with multiple sheets, you can specify the sheet name followed by an exclamation point (!) in front of the cell range. For example, if you have a table of data in Sheet1, in range A1:C5 and you want to look up a value in column A and return the corresponding value in column C, the XLOOKUP formula would be:

=XLOOKUP(A7, Sheet1!A1:A5, Sheet1!C1:C5)

Similarly, if you have another table of data in Sheet2, in range A1:C5 and you want to look up a value in column A and return the corresponding value in column C, the XLOOKUP formula would be:

=XLOOKUP(A7, Sheet2!A1:A5, Sheet2!C1:C5)

In both formulas, A7 is the lookup value, Sheet1!A1:A5 or Sheet2!A1:A5 is the lookup array, and Sheet1!C1:C5 or Sheet2!C1:C5 is the return array.

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