Fix Data Validation Greyed Out

Have you ever run across the Data Validation box Greyed out in Excel?

The reason Data Validation is Greyed Out is due to the characteristics of your spreadsheet.

Possible Reason 1: Protected or Shared – Fix Data Validation Greyed Out

If you spreadsheet is “Protected” or being “Shared” with another file, the Data validation tool is turned off in Excel. This is to protect the linked data from producing an error.

Annoying right! In order to fix this issue, make sure you unprotect your worksheet. The other option is to copy the data set into a new worksheet that is not shared. This will allow you to reactivate the data validation tool.

Fix Data Validation Greyed Out

Unshare an Excel File. If the file is actively being shared, this will be active. To inactivate, use the steps below.

From the toolbar Ribbon Select: “Review” – “Unshare Workbook”

Possible Reason 2: One Sheet Selected

Check to make sure you are only selecting one worksheet. If you accidentally select multiple spreadsheets, this will cause an error.

Possible Reason 3: File format .xlsx

Check to see if your worksheet is .xlsx and not just .xls. Not all features are available in Excel 2010 .xls files.

Possible Reason 4: Macros

Macros. Check to make sure you do not have any macros. This will not work with data validation.

2 thoughts on “Fix Data Validation Greyed Out”

  1. Can you post a snippet from your spreadsheet. Maybe we can help from there? Typically it’s something very simple when it comes to excel.

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