MROUND Function

The MROUND function in Excel will round a number up or down to a given multiple. The multiple is defined in the formula.


=MROUND (number, multiple)


  • number – The number that should be rounded.
  • multiple – Specified multiple to use when rounding.

MROUND Function Example

Let’s review the following example in cell A6.

Our defined multiple is 2. What this means is Excel will use this multiple and round to the nearest multiple of 2 getting as close to possible to our number, 16.



Large Number Rounding

In this example, we demonstrate how to use large number rounding. Excel rounds to the given multiple.


Round Pricing to nearest .99

Here we use the following formula to round pricing to the nearest $0.99.


Rounding Functions in Excel

ROUND Function – Rounds to a specified number of digits.

ROUNDUP Function – Rounds numbers up a specified decimal place.

ROUNDDOWN Function – Returns a number rounded down to a specified number of places.

FLOOR Function – Rounds a given number down to the nearest specified multiple

MROUND Function – Round a number up or down to a given multiple.

CEILING Function – Rounds a given number up to the nearest specified multiple.

INT Function – Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.

TRUNC Function – Returns a truncated number based on a specified number of digits.

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